oops, here i am

23 Aug 2024

So, I fell down on the job here with regard to keeping up a blog. I could make a lot of excuses, but the truth is that I’m just not very good at it. I rarely know what to say, preferring to keep my thoughts in fiction or in private conversations. It’s not because I don’t want to share, I just can’t come up with ideas for what to talk about when I sit in front of my laptop contemplating what I might toss into the void.

I do have a few plans, though. While I’m working on getting my webnovel in shape and posted, I do have ideas for what I will do going forward.

Firstly, I’ve been thinking about the kind of blog posts I would like to read but never seem to come across, and mostly, that means blogs about webnovels, particularly where the format is going and where it’s been. So I think I’ll blog some about that, as well as going on a deep dive with some of my favorite webnovels. Most of my experience is with danmei and baihe webnovels, but I’m looking to expand past that realm into other styles.

I’m also hoping treating these posts as opportunities to be conversational rather than feeling like they have to be serious works of short non-fiction.

If you happen to be reading this in the future, I hope to have proven myself to be a more reliable blogger.

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Next post: writing romance mastery summit part one

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